Frequently Asked Questions

In order to begin the application and 房间 reservation process, 你必须被最靠谱的网赌软件录取并确认你的入学资格. Once admitted, you need to activate your MIDAS ID在线. Follow the new user instructions to setup your account. 你将在激活后一小时内进入ODU住房门户.

ODU住房门户是一个允许您提交电子申请和预订房间的系统. ODU住房门户允许您方便地选择自己的建筑, 房间, and 房间mate(s) based on availability.

所有的学生, current and prospective (must have confirmed to attend ODU), may enter the ODU 房地产门户网站.


  1. Have you confirmed your admission to the University? 如果不是, 你需要通过本科招生办完成申请,然后才能获得申请. 在确认您的入学后,可能有最多48小时的时间进入ODU住房门户网站.
  2. Have you activated your MIDAS username and password? 如果没有,请访问 www.迈达斯 to start that process.

If none of the above answer your issue, please 给我们办公室发邮件 寻求帮助.

The ODU 房地产门户网站 has a step-by-step application process. 为了顺利完成申请和房间选择过程, 鼓励学生阅读并按照门户网站中每个屏幕上的说明进行操作. 如果您在浏览门户网站时有疑问,请联系住房 & 居住生活 at (757) 683-4283.

The ODU 房地产门户网站 for prospective students, who have confirmed admission, generally opens in January. 因此, 所有新, 即将入学的学生可以进入ODU住房门户网站完成申请流程的前半部分. If a Room Reservation Timeslot has not been set, 系统将停止您的操作,直到为您生成一个房间预订时间段.

为了在ODU住房门户网站上完成电子申请,必须支付250美元的申请费. Please keep in mind, priority of 房间 selection is based on the date of the application completion; therefore, you should submit as soon as possible.

Waivers are available for $200 of the application fee. 豁免表格可在住房门户网站获得,您必须提供经济需要证明(符合佩尔资格), 等.).

时段是指你可以参与选择校园房间的时间和日期. 订房时段将根据在生成时段时已申请的申请人人数而生成. You will be notified of your timeslot by email.

If you miss your Room Reservation Timeslot, you may still have an opportunity to sign up for a space, based on availability. 如果您的注册期限已过,您仍然可以进入系统,直到最后一个时间段结束.

No. 学生不需要填满他们的房间/套房来预订空间. 学生可以以个人身份参与作业过程.

If you would like to change the preferences on your application please log back into your application and make any updates. 传入的, new ODU Students can make edits and updates through June 1; after which time preferences are finalized.

Different buildings are allocated to different populations; students can only preference buildings based on their population (i.e. 一年级和. returning student).

房屋分配以先到先得的方式进行. Even though some students will apply early, 许多其他有类似偏好的学生可能已经申请了. 所以请记住, it's not just a question of applying early, 还要知道有多少学生和你有同样的偏好.

记住,你的住房申请是为了校园里的一个空间,而不是一个特定的任务. 虽然我们努力迎合人们的偏好,但我们无法做出这些保证. 5月15日前收到的取消申请可获得200美元申请费的部分减免(如果适用)。.

After the initial cancellation deadlines students are only able to be released from the 住房 and 餐厅 Agreement under certain conditions; please refer to our Cancellation section of the website for further information and guidance.

You may cancel your reservation through the ODU 房地产门户网站. 您需要选择要取消的申请,申请的最后一页是电子取消表格. 为了退还您的押金,您必须在优先取消截止日期之前取消, 5月15日. Please refer to our Cancellation section of the website for further information and guidance.

最靠谱的网赌软件没有校内居住要求, so no students are required to live on campus.


可能会有接种疫苗的学生和未接种疫苗的学生是室友的情况. 俄勒冈州立大学为接种疫苗的学生和因有资格获得医疗和/或宗教豁免而未接种疫苗的学生提供住房.

由于所有未接种疫苗的人每周都要接受COVID-19检测,因此仍在采取疾病预防控制中心批准的安全措施. 如果未接种疫苗的学生COVID-19检测呈阳性或有密切接触暴露, 他们将暂时离开他们的住房分配并居住在隔离/隔离中.

学生宿舍不要求戴口罩,但鼓励戴口罩. 在社区公共区域和其他校园建筑都需要戴口罩.

住房 & 居住生活 sends all correspondence to your ODU email account. 您有责任定期检查您的ODU电子邮件帐户,了解有关申请过程或其他住房的任何信息 & 居住生活 information.